Väga lihtne: hoidke minu lähedusse. Surmatesti tulemus on mul selline:
You scored as Natural Causes. Your death will be by natural causes, though not by any diseaese, because that is another option on this test. You will probably just silently pass away in the night from old age, and people you love won’t realize until the next morning, when you are all purple and cold and icky. So be happy, you won’t be murdered.
Natural Causes |
67% | |
Disappear |
67% | |
Bomb |
53% | |
Cut Throat |
47% | |
Gunshot |
47% | |
Stabbed |
47% | |
Disease |
47% | |
Posion |
40% | |
Suicide |
33% | |
Accident |
33% | |
Eaten |
33% | |
Suffocated |
33% | |
Drowning |
20% |
How Will You Die??
created with QuizFarm.com
Tundub, et n-ö ausalt vastates sealt midagi peale natural causes võimalik ei olegi. Aga mul see protsent koguni 87 😀
Prontolt leidsin. You scored as Natural Causes. Your death will be by natural causes, though not by any disease, because that is another…
Minu lähedusse ei maksa hoiduda: testi tulemuseks sain teada, et panen endale ise käe külge.
vastasin ausalt. mulle öeldi, et 93% tõenäosusega pomm. kõrvaline pommi ohver, mitte sihtmärk 😉
Pronto puhul märgake, on samaväärse protsendiga põhjus, ainult teisena esitatud, “Disappear”. Tundes Prontot pean ma seda natural koosi pigem eksimiseks testi vea piires.
T2iesti m88da test. Kuhu j22b surm ylearuse joomise tagaj2rjel?
Ma arvan, et see ongi see “Natural Causes”. “Loomulikel” põhjustel, you know!
kuidas sa siis aint 67% said? hurjuhh!